Total Self Enhancement

The 7 Practices for Health, Natural Beauty & Quality of Life:

—Spiritual Enhancement

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience! When we recognize and believe that there is a power greater than ourselves-God-we no longer have to carry the stress of depending on our own abilities. Enhancing your Spiritual Self is vital to living a healthy, beautiful life!

—Mental & Emotional Enhancement

As an ex mental health therapist, I personally understand how important it is to take care of your inner thoughts and feelings. Various situations we endure in life can cause us to experience mental stress and fatigue. Finding ways to properly manage your emotions and build a stronger mind-set is Mental Enhancement.

—Relationship Enhancement

Relationships can elevate you, cause you to become complacent or stagnant, or they can destroy you. Some relationships should be nurtured for continued growth and some should be disregarded. Whether the relationship is romantic, with family, or professional, all relationships need evaluations and proper ways to proceed!

—Nutritional Enhancement

Food can be medicine or it can be poison to our bodies! We can eat to live a healthy, beautiful life or we could just live to eat! Every body is different and requires different nutritional needs. No matter what “diet” you subscribe to (plant-based, paleo, etc.,) the foods we consume need to fuel our bodies for health, strength and beauty.

—Fitness Enhancement

The best way to enhance our fitness is to exercise daily or at least often throughout each week. Exercise enhances the health of our bodies by maintaining circulation and muscular strength. It provides us the ability to carry out daily tasks with energy, alertness, and physical strength. Not only does exercising enhance us physically, it also enhances our mood and mental health.

—Natural Beauty Enhancement

Beauty means different things to different people. Beauty Enhancement the IOTB way, means enhancing every aspect of your self that affects your beauty-such as stress, your spiritual life, your mood/attitude, nutrition, rest, your beauty regimen and the products you use. A lot of people ignore lifestyle factors when discussing beauty, however IOTB considers the importance of how everything in our bodies are interconnected. What we think, how we feel, the foods we eat, our fitness activity…they all have an impact on our beauty. Being aware of the holistic approach to beauty enhancement will help you stay beautiful from the Inside Out Top to Bottom!

—LifeStyle Enhancement

LifeStyle simply means the ways in which you live your life! Your daily habits, hobbies, moral standards, mindset/attitude, career, travel, entertainment, and the socioeconomic status you desire, collectively determines how you live your life. Finding ways to Enhance Your LifeStyle has a direct impact on your quality of life and on your Health & Beauty!

Start Your Total Self Enhancement Journey Today!